Present Perfect

We use the present perfect to describe past events which are connected to the present.

Sam has lost his keys (=He is looking for his keys and he still hasn't found them)

The present perfect is formed with the present tense of the auxiliary verb to have and the past participle (third column in the list of irregular verbs). Question are formed by inverting the subject and have/has. Negatives are formed with not. Contracted forms are used.

(+) I have already seen that movie / I've already seen that movie

(-) I have not seen that movie yet / I haven't seen it yet
(?) Have I seen that movie?

The present perfect describes past events which are connected to the present, although this tense can be used to describe different situations:

  • experiences in our life up to now

I've been to Spain and Portugal. I really want to go to the UK. I haven't been there yet.

  • an event in the past that has a result in the present

Lili has broken her foot. Her foot is still in a cast

  • a situation that started in the past and continues until the present

I've lived here for twenty tears. And I am still living here now

  • how many things are completed so far

Peter has read 50 pages of this book so far. There are 150 pages left.

Pay attention to the time markers:

  • we use ever and never when we ask or talk about our experiences in life

Have you ever eated Chinese food? - I've never eaten it

  • we use already in positive sentences to describe an action which has happened before. We use yet in questions and negative sentences to describe an action which hasn't happened before.

I haven't finished this book yet, and my sister has already begun reading another one

  • we use just when we describe a very recent event

My mom has just come home from work

  • such frequency adverbs as always, often etc. can also be used with the present perfect

He has always loved Ann

  • we use for to describe the length of a time period. We use since to describe the point when the time period started

Chris has worked here for 5 months. He has worked here since May 5th

Guided Practice#

  • (anything/to happen) interesting since I left? - Yeah. Ashley and Peter (to decide) to get married, Monica (to get) her driving license, but aunt Pauline (not to give up) smoking yet.
  • I (to be) to Poland and Czech Republic. I (not to be) to Hungary yet.
  • Patrick (to crush) his car. He has to take a bus to work.
  • She (to work) for this company for 5 years. She deserves a pay rise.
  • I (to write) the introduction part so far. I (not to do) anything else.

Use time markers.

never - for - yet - ever - since - already

  • Has your brother .................... helped you with homework? - He has .................... done that actually!
  • Have you made up your mind .................... ? - Yes, I've .................... decided what to do. I've just booked my flights.
  • Rob has played football .................... he was a kid. He has played football every day .................... 15 years.

Short Story using Present Perfect#

Have you seen John anywhere?

No, I haven't seen him anywhere.

Have you tried calling him?

Yes, I've just sent him a voice message.

Has he listened to it?

-It's impossible. I've just sent it. Has anything happened?

-Not really, but I haven't seen him since the party and I'm a bit worried. He's never ignored my calls before.

-I'm sure it'll be fine. He's been busy probably.

Independent Practice#

Match the sentences and the descriptions.

1. Cindy has graduated and is paying off her student loans now.a. an experiences in our life up to now
2. They've been best friends for nearly a decade. They always help each other.b. an event in the past that has a result in the present
3. Lily is on a diet. She's lost 5 kilos so far.c. a situation that started in the past and continues until the present
4. Nate has seen nearly all Marvel movies.d. to describe how many things are completed so far

Write the correct answer.

  1. I (not to see) him so angry before.

  2. Would you like something eat? - No, thanks. I (to have) just dinner.

  3. Shall I pay for our meal? - I (to do) already it.

  4. Ann (not to call) me yet.

Answer the questions.

  1. Have you ever been to the UK?

  2. Have your friends thrown you a surprise b-day party?

  3. What have you always dreamt of doing?

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