Passive vs Active Voice

In sentences written in the active voice, the subject performs the action. In sentences written in the passive voice, the subject receives the action.

I wrote a book (Active voice)

That book was written by me (Passive voice)

The passive form is made up of the verb to be and the past participle. Depending on the tense, the form of the verb to be can change.

The dinner is being cooked (Present continuous)

The dinner was cooked (Past simple)
The dinner has been cooked (Present perfect)

The passive voice is usually used:

  • to emphasize the action rather than the person or thing performing it

The decision has been made

  • to avoid mentioning the person or thing performing the action

The rumours have been spreading at the office. (Either you know who spreads the rumours or you are not sure who does that)

  • to describe a situation where the subject is not important

Up to 7 billion trees are being cut down every year

  • to give instructions, set rules etc.

Smoking is prohibited

Anyone under the age of 18 is not allowed in any bar

Guided Practice#

Decide which tense is used in the following sentences.

  • This cute card was signed by my grandparents.
  • This work has been already completed.
  • The tests will be evaluated in a week.

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

  • They cancelled the meeting.
  • My friends and I are cooking dinner.
  • I love Agatha Cristie's stories.

Short Story using Passive and Active Voice#

I came across an interesting study. It is said that 16 million people in the US are diagnosed with clinical depression every year.

Wow, the number is very high!

Thankfully, it is possible to treat it effectively with medications, therapy, and proper mental support.

Yeah, but more importantly, diagnosis should be made by a mental health professional.

Independent Practice#

Decide whether the sentences is active voice or passive voice.

  1. I can't imagine him living alone.

  2. I can see why his words were misinterpreted.

  3. We predict that Max is going to win this competition.

  4. The letter was delivered by air mail.

  5. It can be concluded that the experiment was successful.

  6. When John was a kid, he was bitten by a dog.

Write sentences in the passive voice using the phrases in brackets.

  1. (to decorate a Christmas tree; children).

  2. (to be said that; women live longer than men).

  3. (Macbeth; Shakespear)

  4. (to greet/with a warm smile)

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