The Past Participle

A past participle refers to the form of a verb which is used in forming perfect and passive tenses (and sometimes used as an adjective).

Olivia has lived in Greece for 4 years

We usually add -ed to the base form of the regular verb to form the past participle.

Jun has just painted this picture (present perfect, active voice)

This picture was painted by Jun a month ago (past simple, passive voice)

There is no pattern as to forming the past participle of the irregular verbs. You should always consult a dictionary.

We can use the past participle:

  • in perfect tenses (Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect)

I've eaten too much! I can't move (present perfect)

James had already left when Pam arrived (past perfect)
We will have landed by that hour (future perfect)

  • in the passive voice

He was driven by genuine interest and curiosity

This dress was made by a famous Italian designer

  • as an adjective. In this case, place it before a noun

Mike has broken his arm → He has a broken arm now

Someone has stolen Ann's purse → Her purse was stolen

Guided Practice#

Decide whether the past participle indicated the perfect tense, passive voice, or adjective.

  • The stolen phone was found near the train station.
  • I'm sure that it'll have been sold by 10 a.m.
  • It was lear that John has never heard of vegemite.

Fill in the gaps with the past participle.

  • I don't think that Mrs. Taylor has ever (to cry) .................... . She definitely has a strong character.
  • Do you remember what was (to write) .................... on the shopping list? I forgot it at home.
  • Don't worry that much. You'll probably find it in the (to lose) .................... and (to find) ....................

Short Story using Past Participle#

Erhm, I might have spilled orange juice on your dress.

What? What have you done? I am supposed to wear it tonight!

I don't know how it happened. And you shouldn't have left it in the living room. You know that I'm messy ...

Stop with these excuses! Google how we can get rid of this stain. I don't have any other dress to wear.

Independent Practice#

Fill in the gaps with the past participle.

  1. I wouldn't have (to know) .................... that if she hadn't (to tell) .................... me.

  2. Have you (to brush) .................... your teeth, sweetie?

  3. The movie has already (to begin) .................... . We need to hurry!

  4. I was (to wake) .................... up by my noisy neighbour.

  5. Sadly, my family has never (to be) .................... abroad.

  6. I suppose that they'll have (to arrive) .................... by that time tomorrow.

  7. Emma's phone was (to steal) .................... and now she needs to buy a new one.

  8. I can't imagine what can happen if a person is (to strike) .................... by lightning!

  9. The letter was (to send) .................... . Check your inbox.

  10. Peter doesn't possess the (to require) .................... skills to apply for this job.

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